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TheBooking seamlessly integrates with WPML String Translation, which is included in the WPML Multilingual CMS Package. This allows you to easily translate various strings stored in the database, such as service names, email content, custom form labels, and more.

With WPML String Translation, you can ensure that all the textual elements related to TheBooking plugin are accurately translated, providing a multilingual experience for your users. This includes not only the visible frontend elements but also the dynamic content, ensuring that your booking system is fully localized and tailored to your target audience in different languages.

Translating Service Name and Description

To translate the service name and description, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Translations link located below the service name and service description on the service settings page.
  2. Click on the Translations link to be redirected to the WPML string translations page. This page will be pre-filtered to display only the relevant strings, specifically the name and description for the current service.
  3. Provide translations for the desired languages by entering the translated text in the corresponding language fields.
  4. Once you have entered the translations, mark them as completed to indicate that the translations are ready for use.

Translating Custom Form Fields

To translate custom form fields, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Translations link below each custom form field, regardless of the field type.
  2. Click on the Translations link to be redirected to the WPML string translations page. This page will be pre-filtered to display only the relevant strings, including all the custom form fields for the current service.
  3. Provide translations for the desired languages by entering the translated text in the corresponding language fields.
  4. Once you have entered the translations, mark them as completed to indicate that the translations are ready for use.

Please note that certain custom form fields may have multiple strings to translate. For example, a radio group field will have a string for the label and one string for each selectable option. Ensure that you translate all the necessary strings associated with each custom form field.

Translating Email Content

To translate the email content, including the subject and body, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Translations link above the email body section.
  2. Click on the Translations link to be redirected to the WPML string translations page. The page will be pre-filtered to display only the relevant strings, which include the email body and subject for the confirmation, cancellation, and reminder messages.
  3. Provide translations for the desired languages by entering the translated text in the corresponding language fields.
  4. Once you have entered the translations, mark them as completed to indicate that the translations are ready for use.

Please note that only the email notifications sent to the customer, such as confirmation, cancellation, and reminder messages, are translatable. The system stores the language selected by the customer, which can be seen in the reservation details. If necessary, you can change the language for a specific reservation.